The cornerstone of your horse’s health is preventative care. That’s why, at Buffalo Equine, we are proactive in establishing relationships with our clients and patients that focuses on preventing disease and injuries. We would much rather see our patients for routine wellness care than for illness or performance problems.
Besides vaccinations, deworming, and Coggins testing, you will find that our veterinarians will spend time with you discussing your horse’s environment, nutrition, and your performance goals.
Annual examinations are strongly encouraged to ensure no abnormalities exist. We often find things on exam that owners are unaware of such as: dental pathology, heart and lung abnormalities, skin conditions, etc.
Performance horse owners are encouraged to schedule soundness exams to detect subtle abnormalities in gait, joint filling/range of motion, and muscle/tendon/ligaments that could lead to lameness/performance issues in the future.
Whatever your goals are for your horse, we are committed to ensuring your horse starts out healthy and strong by providing the best foundation in preventative care.
Services include:
-Annual Wellness Program (complete preventative care at a package price)
-Routine Examinations
-Fecal Testing
-Individualized Deworming Program
-Coggins Testing
-Routine Blood Work
-Soundness Examinations/Pre-Show Examinations
-Dental Examinations
-Sheath Cleaning
-Nutrition Evalutions
-Pre-purchase Examinations
-Farrier Consultation